
David Robert Joseph Beckham

Backham is from Britain. He is 35 years old. His birthday is May 2. He is called Becks.

He is good soccer player. He belong to AC milan. He is very famous in Japan.

He called Beckhamsama in Japan because he has very good looking.

He maryed Victoria Bedkham.


Old by Britain

I'm interested in old by Britain. But I don't know old by Britain so many. I think British buiuldings are very stylish. Japanese building is not so stylish. I like Britaish buildings better than Japanese buildings.


Images of Britain(2)

I think British is very polite. Because I think British men is gentalmen. But Blistish is fairly polite. Britain hooligains are very dengouras. I want to go to Britain Pub. If I will go to Britain, Iwil go to Britain Pub.


about Britain

I think Britain is smart. Because British is smart. And I like Herry Popper. So I like Britain.

I want to go to Rondon. Because Rondon is smart and cute. I want to buy London's clothes.

I like Britain's bread better than sliced bread. Because Braitan's bread is delicious.